New Diocese of Wilmington Directory now available

Cover photo by Don Blake, Photo illustration by Virginia O’Shea.

The 2013-14 Diocese of Wilmington Catholic Directory is now available for purchase. The Directory is a handy resource with up-to-date information on parishes, diocesan offices, priests, religious men and women, schools, and organizations. You’ll find phone numbers,  e-mail addresses, web sites, Mass schedules, a list of parishes by location, a history of the diocese, and more.

This year’s cover features a photo illustration of one of the many bronze statues that can be seen at All Saints Cemetery in Wilmington.

The cost of the Directory is $30 per book. To order, send a check (made payable to The Dialog) to cover the cost of each book ordered, to:

The Dialog

Attention: Directory Orders

P.O. Box 2208

Wilmington, DE 19899-2208

For  credit card orders, call:

(302) 573-3109.