DCAN asks for Del. residents help retaining nursing subsidy


Members of the Delaware General Assembly’s Joint Finance Committee have been working on the state budget, which must be passed by Tuesday. One proposal to cut a projected budget deficit is to reduce or eliminate the school nurse subsidy for Catholic schools.

The Delaware Catholic Advocacy Network is asking state residents to contact their representatives and members of the JFC to ask that the subsidy be retained. DCAN believes it is “critically important to ensure that our children have access to quality nursing care during the school day.” Catholic school families, it said, save the state more than $100 million that would be required if their children attended public school.


To contact the General Assembly:


Messages can be sent through the following link:                 www.votervoice.net/BroadcastLinks/dFJ9LkzqcKKeax7LpOmL6Q.

The co-chairs of the JFC are Rep. Melanie George Smith and Sen. Harris McDowell.