Time flies on the church calendar: Lent begins in 27 days

The corporal works of mercy are posted on a classroom door during Lent at St. Peter Indian Mission School in Bapchule, Ariz. Ash Wednesday, observed Feb. 10 this year, marks the start of the penitential season of Lent, a time of reflection, prayer, fasting and charity before Easter. (CNSo/Nancy Wiechec)
The corporal works of mercy are posted on a classroom door during Lent at St. Peter Indian Mission School in Bapchule, Ariz. Ash Wednesday, observed Feb. 10 this year, marks the start of the penitential season of Lent, a time of reflection, prayer, fasting and charity before Easter. (CNSo/Nancy Wiechec)

Since it felt like spring on Christmas eve, maybe we shouldn’t be surprised that Lent is less than a month away. Mark your calendar now; Ash Wednesday is Feb. 10 and there will definitely be an early Easter this year when it’s celebrated March 27.