Living Our Faith: A spirituality for busy people


How does a busy person find time for spiritual growth?
Sometimes, we feel like a perpetual motion machine — kids, sports, jobs, day care, house care, family obligations — the list goes on.
We all recognize the need to set aside time for important things. How much more, then, should this be the case

A family prays after arriving for Sunday Mass at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Alexandria, Va. Holy leisure is about spending time with family -- quality time, face time, truly giving ourselves over -- and giving our lives to God. (CNS photo/Nancy Phelan Wiechec)
A family prays after arriving for Sunday Mass at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Alexandria, Va. Holy leisure is about spending time with family — quality time, face time, truly giving ourselves over — and giving our lives to God. (CNS photo/Nancy Phelan Wiechec)

with the idea of “holy leisure”?
Holy leisure is not about doing what we want. It is about spending time with family and giving our lives to God. It is about centering our lives around the Sabbath, the Lord’s day.