Local briefs


New Knights council at St. Joseph’s on the Brandywine

GREENVILLE — Delaware’s newest Knights of Columbus council has been established at St. Joseph on the Brandywine Parish in Greenville. The St. Joseph on the Brandywine Council is the 34th in the state.

A ceremony to install the new council and its officers will be held May 1 at the church. There are 12 officers, including the grand knight, Paul Thorson. Msgr. Joseph Rebman, pastor of St. Joseph on the Brandywine, will be the chaplain.

The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest lay Catholic organization. Founded in 1882, it has more than 1.8 million members and is open to any practicing Catholic man.

Siblings seek recipes for cookbook fundraiser

A brother and sister from Bear are collecting recipes for a cookbook that will be sold to help raise money for their late brother’s memorial fund.

Alyssa and James Kieffer hope to receive more than 400 recipes from at least 300 individuals for the cookbook. This will be their second cookbook; the first, published about two years ago, included about 250 recipes and raised more than $1,000.

This time, the pair, members of Holy Angels Parish in Newark, hopes to earn more than $4,000 for the Joey Kieffer Memorial Fund, which assists families with funeral and memorial expenses after the deaths of their children. The fund is named for Joseph James Kieffer, who died at age 5 and a half. When Joey Kieffer was born in 1998, he was not breathing and had only a slight heartbeat. He survived, defying the medical experts, but the lack of oxygen during labor and immediately after birth led to several health problems, including cerebral palsy, deafness, blindness, seizures and chronic lung disease, according to the memorial fund’s Facebook page.

Thus far, the Joey Kieffer Memorial Fund has helped nine families with funeral expenses for their children.

Recipes can be submitted to JKMcookbook@aol.com or posted on the wall at the Joey Kieffer Memorial Cookbook Facebook wall, which is at www.facebook.com/jkmcookbook?.

The cookbooks are expected to be available in May. They will cost $12 and will be available by mail and at various locations. Specifics will be posted on the Facebook page. If ordering by mail, add $3 for shipping. Checks should be made out to the Joey Kieffer Memorial Fund, 204 Silver Birch Lane, Bear, DE 19701.


St. Helena’s to expand preschool, end kindergarten

WILMINGTON — St. Helena’s Parish has announced that it will be expanding its preschool program to include 2-year-olds beginning next fall while discontinuing its kindergarten.

Children who are age 2 by Aug. 31 will be eligible for enrollment. There will be room for 12 children. They will join the older toddlers; this year, St. Helena’s serves about 20 3- and 4-year-olds. The parish plans on being licensed by the state next year and is working toward accreditation by the Delaware Stars for Early Success program.

According to a letter sent to families in the program, the kindergarten currently has five students, which is not enough to continue.

For information, contact program administrator Pam Kreuer at pkreuer@nemours.org.