A letter from Bishop Malooly on the Annual Catholic Appeal



Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.


Dear Friends in Christ,


In celebration of the Holy Father’s acclamation of the Holy Year of Mercy, we are called to “rediscover and make fruitful the mercy of God with which all of us are called to give consolation to every man and woman of our time.”

During Jesus’ time on earth, he responded with mercy and love to everyone he encountered. He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, comforted the mournful, and forgave sinners and his enemies. As Disciples of Christ, we are expected to follow his example and to carry out the Church’s mission of being a witness of mercy.

The 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal, with its theme, Blessed are the Merciful, for they shall obtain mercy, reminds us that we are given the opportunity to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ through our actions, touching people’s lives and offering hope.

The Church’s Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy are the driving force behind every ministry and service supported by the Appeal. Your participation enables the diocese to reach out in mercy and love to those in need — the hungry, the homeless, the unemployed, the distressed, the unchurched, our children and our elderly.

Our daily action in support of others is our daily walk with the risen Lord. I urge you to open both your hand and your heart and embrace an attitude of mercy. It will give you great joy to see how much your gift means to those in need.

Sincerely yours in Our Lord,

Most Reverend W. Francis Malooly

Bishop of Wilmington


Commitment weekend for the Annual Catholic Appeal is April 9 & 10.