Guest Commentary: Honoring the heroic and dedicated lives of our priests



October 25th is Priesthood Sunday. We thank and honor our priests on this special day. Whether they be missionaries, educators, pastors, administrators or in another ministry, they are each heroic in their dedicated lives of service to others.

In recent days, we were blessed to witness a visit by our Holy Father and the canonization of Father Junipero Serra. These two priests made lasting impacts on our American history.

Although Pope Francis was in the United States only 5 ½ days for his historic visit, every moment was spent revealing the Gospel by his example. His homilies, remarks, and actions were packed with powerful and instructive messages. He made a lasting impact by showing us the way to live our lives according to the gospel. Is it any wonder why he chose to be named after St. Francis, who preached the Gospel at all times and when necessary used words?

Pope Francis dialogued fearlessly with leaders and the forgotten, homeless, imprisoned and struggling. Through dialogue truth is revealed and lessons are learned. He expressed his concern over threats to religious liberty, marriage, and the family, but he did so in a kind understated way. Instead, he admonished our political leaders to work tirelessly in pursuit of the common good.

He lifted up the vulnerable, infirm, elderly, homeless, and incarcerated. Pope Francis reached out to many struggling with a loving embrace that has become a hallmark of the love and joy that he shares with his flock. He was also careful to recognize the many small ways people live the Gospel that often go unnoticed in today’s busy world.

He challenged us to see our personal responsibility in the mission of the church too; asking us to do our part and foster ongoing lay engagement and vocations.

Another priest who made a lasting impact on our nation was Father Junipero Serra. Like so many missionaries responsible for the development of our country, he was the embodiment of “a church which goes forth,” In his case, he established numerous missions along the California coastline despite poor health.

As Jesus directed his disciples to go forth without fear or hesitation, Father Serra was inspired by the motto “Keep moving forward!” For him, this was the way to continue experiencing the joy of the Gospel, and keep his heart from growing numb. Like him, let us be inspired to say “Forward! Let’s keep moving forward!”

We thank and honor these two fine examples of the priesthood and our diocesan priests for their steadfast courage proclaiming the love and joy that is the Gospel and the truth, and we ask you to pray for our priests and Pope Francis.

For more information about Priesthood Sunday, go to

Swain is state deputy of the Delaware State Council, Knights of Columbus.