Living Our Faith: Ash Wednesday


Ashes are distributed at St. Helen Church in Glendale, Ariz., in this 2016 file photo. On Ash Wednesday, we sign ourselves as disciples of Jesus Christ, and we strive to live the following 40 days so that the world knows we are Christians. (CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec)
Ashes are distributed at St. Helen Church in Glendale, Ariz., in this 2016 file photo. On Ash Wednesday, we sign ourselves as disciples of Jesus Christ, and we strive to live the following 40 days so that the world knows we are Christians. (CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec)

One way to prepare ourselves for Lent is to better understand the day that starts it all: Ash Wednesday.
The words spoken while ashes are pressed on our foreheads ignite us like the opening gun at a race. We’re off. A pilgrimage has begun.
Ash Wednesday is a rally of sorts, to give people encouragement and motivation.