Living Our Faith: Communicating God’s word



Jonah, a familiar prophet, is spit out of the whale in this fresco seen during the unveiling of two newly restored burial chambers in the Christian catacombs of St. Domitilla in Rome May 30. Often, the prophets communicated the word of God at their own peril. By the same token, avoiding God's call -- as Jonah so famously tried to do -- can have its own consequences. (CNS photo/Carol Glatz)
Jonah, a familiar prophet, is spit out of the whale in this fresco seen during the unveiling of two newly restored burial chambers in the Christian catacombs of St. Domitilla in Rome May 30. Often, the prophets communicated the word of God at their own peril. By the same token, avoiding God’s call — as Jonah so famously tried to do — can have its own consequences. (CNS photo/Carol Glatz)

How do we communicate God’s word in the midst of daily lives?
The Holy Spirit opens doors for us in our daily interactions with others.
Evangelization requires gentle conversation, listening, friendship and teaching.
It doesn’t always have to involve words, but rather the example set by our own lives.