Saint of the Day May 30: St. Joan of Arc


"Jeanne d’Arc au sacre du roi Charles VII, dans la cathédrale de Reims" by  Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres  (1780–1867) (Wikimedia Commons, in the Public Domain in the U.S.A.)
“Jeanne d’Arc au sacre du roi Charles VII, dans la cathédrale de Reims” by
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780–1867)
(Wikimedia Commons, in the Public Domain in the U.S.A.)

St. Joan of Arc
Feast Day: May 30
An illiterate but intelligent French peasant girl, Joan was thrust into the Hundred Years’ War by her “voices,” inner promptings urging her to save France from England and Burgundy. After meeting the French dauphin and being examined by theologians, she led the army to victories at Orleans and Patay. Captured later by the Burgundians, she was abandoned by the dauphin and sold to the English, who burned her at the stake for witchcraft and heresy. Joan was rehabilitated by a papal commission in 1456.