Resurrection is not symbol, but reality, pope says


Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY — Christ’s resurrection is not a mere symbol of life and renewal but is the true source of a love that conquers the power of death, Pope Benedict XVI said.

“The abyss of death is filled by another abyss of even greater depth, that of God’s love, so that death no longer has any power over Jesus Christ nor over those who, through their faith and baptism, are tied to him,” he said during a memorial Mass Nov. 3.

The pope celebrated the memorial Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica in memory of the 10 cardinals and 118 bishops who died in the past year.

The pope did not use a wheeled platform to arrive at the altar as he had done Oct. 16, the last time he celebrated Mass in the basilica. The Vatican had said the mobile platform was meant to reduce the physical toll on the 84-year-old pontiff. But since the pope walked from the sacristy, rather than down the entire length of the basilica, apparently it was not needed.

In his homily, Pope Benedict said, “New and eternal life is fruit of the tree of the cross, a tree that blossoms and makes fruit because of the light and the strength that comes from the sun of God.”

To counteract the negative power of sin, an even greater power was needed, he said. The answer was the power of a love that comes straight from God’s own heart, reveals the ultimate meaning of creation, and renews and guides his children along the right path, the pope said.