St. Elizabeth students commemorate Pearl Harbor with painting


WILMINGTON – Two art classes at St. Elizabeth High School recently completed a project with a Pearl Harbor theme, the result of which was a 10-by-20 foot painting in the style of Pablo Picasso.

This painting commemorating the attack on Pearl Harbor is on display at the St. E Center. Photo courtesy of St. Elizabeth High School.

The Art I class created collages inspired by Picasso’s “Guernica” to commemorate Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day on Dec. 7. Each student created an ink painting of a scene of the attack on the Hawaii naval base. These were cut up and reglued over the collage backgrounds containing news headlines about war and veterans, done in camouflage colors.

Students in the digital art class then took a photo of one of the ink paintings and, using Photoshop, included words from President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Day of Infamy” speech from Dec. 8, 1941. All of the works were used to create the large painting, which is on display at the St. E Center.

St. Elizabeth students are now composing letters to wounded service personnel at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C.