Wilmington March for Life – Jan. 15


About 100 people marched for life in Wilmington Jan. 15, a week before the national March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 22.

Betty O'Malley, Joe Hannas and Mike Graney leave from Rodney Square at the beginning of the Wilmington March for Life on Jan. 15. The Dialog/Mike Lang
Betty O’Malley, Joe Hannas and Mike Graney leave from Rodney Square at the beginning of the Wilmington March for Life on Jan. 15. The Dialog/Mike Lang

Delaware Right to Life organized the event that started at noon on Rodney Square. The peaceful demonstrators walked past the federal buildings to Planned Parenthood at Seventh and Shipley.

A similar rally, also sponsored by Delaware Right to Life, will be held at Legislative Hall in Dover at noon on Jan. 20.

In Ocean City, Md., Holy Savior Church will hold a March for Life prayer breakfast, starting with a rosary at 8 a.m., Mass at 8:30. Retired Deacon John Lemon will speak a the breakfast.

9 Days for Life, a program of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, begins Jan. 16. It’s a novena of prayer and action to build up a culture of life. Marking the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion,  the novena’s intention is the end to abortion.
The novena also highlights many other aspects of respecting each other as ones whose “true identity [is] found in the unchangeable, permanent fact that we are created in God’s image and likeness and called to an eternal destiny with him” (2015 Respect Life Month reflections).

Since that Roe v. Wade decision, more than 56 million children’s lives have been lost to abortion, and many suffer that loss—often in silence.

Catholics recognize the inherent dignity of every person in every circumstance and at every stage of life—from conception to death.
As Pope Francis noted during his visit to the United States, our “care for one another is care for Jesus himself.”

For more information on the national novena go to www.9daysforlife.com.