Living Our Faith: Reaching young people


How is the church reaching young people? Pope Francis has chosen the theme “Young people, faith and vocational

Teenagers pray during a Holy Hour for vocations Jan. 20 at St. Patrick Church in Bay Shore, N.Y., sponsored by the vocations office of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, N.Y. Attracting and building young adult ministries requires social skills, sometimes musical skills, a strong knowledge of the basics of Christian faith and Catholic beliefs, and a warm appreciation of the unexpected. (CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz, Long Island Catholic)
Teenagers pray during a Holy Hour for vocations Jan. 20 at St. Patrick Church in Bay Shore, N.Y., sponsored by the vocations office of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, N.Y. Attracting and building young adult ministries requires social skills, sometimes musical skills, a strong knowledge of the basics of Christian faith and Catholic beliefs, and a warm appreciation of the unexpected. (CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz, Long Island Catholic)

discernment” for the October 2018 world Synod of Bishops to find out.
Young adult ministries offer a combination of social and catechetical events to attract youth, but what works?
The church looks increasingly to social media, technology and the internet to evangelize and attract millennials.